The Enterprise Act 2008 Annual Reports
Enterprise Act 2008 Annual Reports
Under section 6 of the Enterprise Act 2008 (“the Act”) the Department for Enterprise (DfE) is required to lay an annual report before Tynwald as to the provision of assistance under the Act including a list of the names of those businesses which have received financial assistance from the Department during the previous financial year ended on the 31st March.
The annual report includes details of grants offered and payments made under the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) as well as details of loans and investments made to businesses under the now closed Enterprise Development Scheme. The Department have included some statistical information within this report that highlights the other schemes including the Employee Relocation Incentive which forms part of the Financial Assistance Scheme.
The Enterprise Act 2008 Annual Report for 2023/2024 has now been published and details key results of the funding, training and advisory support schemes which are administered by the Department, focusing specifically on the Financial Assistance Scheme.

Previous Annual Reports
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2023/24
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2022/23
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2021/22
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2020/2021
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2019/2020
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2018/2019
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2017/2018
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2016/2017
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2015/2016
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2014/2015
- The Enterprise Act 2008 | Annual Report for 2013/2014