Future strategic approach for air services to be considered by Tynwald
23 December 2024

A proposed policy position and strategic approach which aims to secure the Isle of Man’s air connectivity will be considered at the January sitting of Tynwald.
The Strategic Air Services Policy proposes that the Island upholds the overarching principle of Open Skies while enabling Government intervention in the Air Services market to the extent necessary for the social and economic wellbeing of the Isle of Man.
The strategic framework sets out the broad approach to making more effective use of commercial levers with the aim of delivering longer term security and surety across core, strategically important routes, as well as increasing regional connectivity to drive growth in passenger numbers and ensure the Island remains well connected on a year round basis.
The 2024-25 Island Plan outlined connectivity as a core area of focus for the year. Bringing forward this Policy and strategic approach represents a clear commitment by Government to ensure that there is access to regular and reliable air services which will support the Isle of Man remaining an attractive place to live, work and invest.
Tim Johnston MHK, Minister for Enterprise, commented:
‘The Island’s connectivity by air is a matter of strategic national importance. Reliable, frequent, and attractive air links are vital for the Island’s long-term social and economic prosperity.
‘Island residents expect dependable air links that support their quality of life, including access to essential off-Island healthcare. Economically, strong links to key business hubs are essential for maintaining the Island's reputation as a good place to do business. Reliable air links are also crucial for attracting and retaining skilled workers and supporting the visitor economy.
‘The pandemic severely impacted the global aviation industry, and the Isle of Man was no exception. Since then, Government intervention has been necessary to ensure the viability of strategically important routes to and from the Island. Whilst this intervention to date has secured a level of connectivity on core routes, a longer-term approach is required to ensure that the Island remains well connected into the medium to long term and to provide similarly stable and secure links weekly on key regional routes all year round.
‘This Policy has been developed over several months and has been informed by discussions held across a number of stakeholder groups. It brings forward a clear framework and approach for the Island, which consolidates core routes as well as a broader network of regional routes.
‘Subject to Tynwald support, the ambition of this Policy is to enable more informed commercial discussions with airlines and provide much needed surety and security of our air routes on a year round basis, for residents and visitors alike.’
The proposed Strategic Air Services Policy has been published on the Tynwald Register of Business.