Local organisations encouraged to host a 2018 Step Project Student
30 April 2018

Isle of Man based organisations are being encouraged to host an undergraduate student for the 2018 STEP Programme. The programme enables local students to undertake a work-based project within a local organisation across the summer holidays.
Lawrie Hooper MHK, Department member with responsibility for Enterprise Support, commented:
‘The STEP Programme is now in its 20th year and we are still seeing strong interest from host organisations, which have helped host more than 400 student projects. Last year saw a record number of projects undertaken by undergraduates highlighting the strong demand for more host organisations.
‘This year we are hoping to grow the number of public, private and third sector hosts to enable the Department to offer more placements to students looking to undertake valuable project-based experience on the Island. The STEP Programme works directly towards the Programme for Government’s policy of ensuring that our young people have the skills and knowledge to be ready to enter the workplace.’
The programme is available for second and penultimate year undergraduate students, studying in a range of courses. Past projects have included planning an aircraft maintenance schedule, introducing online gaming software, updating the Island’s Tree Register and working in the pharmaceutical and engineering industries.
Nick Gibbs, Engineering Director at Strix, added:
‘The STEP Programme has been extremely helpful for Strix. We’ve been a long-term supporter of the programme and have taken on numerous students over the years that have all undertaken useful projects benefitting both ourselves and the student. We’d recommend this to other organisations looking to take on some additional support throughout summer and/or who want to encourage local undergraduates to consider returning to the Isle of Man after completing their degrees. Strix is looking forward to supporting the Programme again this year.’
Students who apply are matched with an organisation aligned to their skills and interests, before being introduced by the prospective host and beginning their placement.
Students are invited to present their projects at the STEP finals at the end of the project, with various prizes awarded including Most Enterprising Student and Best Presentation.
The closing date for Host applications is Friday 29th June.
To apply to become a STEP student host visit: http://www.gov.im/STEP